Address Assistant Improvements
The latest release of the Address Assistant is 5.2 It is Excel 2010-2021 and Office 365 compatible.
Latest Improvements:
- Fixed a Windows 10 bug that caused dialog to appear incorrectly and difficult to read or use.
- Product review and improvements
- Fixed an Excel bug with dialogs not always
appearing in the center of the Excel window if the user has two or more
- Modified to fix a problem displaying dialogs in some non-English versions of Excel
- Installation improvements
- Minor menu changes
- Modified so that > 32,000 rows could be process. Modified the input boxes so that the user can type the letter of a
column versus having to select a column.
- Added a new output option available when
parsing multiple rows of addresses or information into single rows
across multiple columns. The new option allows output on the
source data worksheet.
- Improved the titles on some dialogs and fixed a typo on one.
- Modified the option to split addresses to have
multiple options on postal codes so that non-US postal codes can be
recognized and split out.
- Added features that allow one to split entries
either at the start of the last number or after the first
number. These features are useful in splitting street
numbers and streets or splitting postal codes and cities.
- Added additional destination options to some of the features.
- Modified the extract N words from left or
right to have an option that combines the extracted words with the
entries in the destination column.
- Updated the digital signature and minor code
modifications needed for some users after doing an service pack (SP)
upgrade from Microsoft