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Add-in Improvements

All  of our add-ins work in Microsoft Excel 2010-2021 and Office 365.  They all also work in Windows 10 and 11. We do improvements as we discover new features to add, when new versions of Excel are released, or we find a way to improve existing features in an add-in.  If you have a feature you would like to see added, please contact us.

If you have purchased in the past year, please go to our download page and log in.  You will then be able to download the latest version of your purchase.  If you have lost the login instructions, simply provide your email address and new instructions will be emailed to you.

If it has been over a year since your purchase, then either send us an email or log in to the download page.  You will be provided with a half off coupon code on logging in.

The following is a list of just some of the products that have been recently improved:

  • Chess Ranking Assistant
  • Spreadsheet Assistant
  • Link Finder
  • Duplicate Finder and Deleter
  • List Searcher
  • Sheet Change Assistant
  • File Assistant
  • Row to Column Viewer
  • Histogram Creator
  • Pivot Table Assistant
  • CSV File Creator
  • Text File Importer

In addition, many other add-ins have been improved. Click here to view a list of all our add-ins and their latest release.



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