Microsoft Excel Time Saving Add-ins
The following are our time saving add-in products for Microsoft Excel. They will save you time each time you use Excel and make using Excel easier. They can be purchased individually or as part of the Time Saving Collection or the Productivity Suite.
Our downloadable books:
- Macros Made Easy - A downloadable book (Windows help file format) on how to write macros for Microsoft Excel
- Macro Examples - Get over 1200 macro examples for Microsoft Excel in a downloadable book (Windows help file format). These examples are new and not a repeat of the ones in Macros Made Easy.
Out time saving add-ins:
Any of the time saving add-ins can be opened from the time saver tab. The Spreadsheet Assistant has its own tab.

Products by category:
Visitors who viewed this page also viewed:
- Downloadable Books - Our downloadable books on how to write macros for Microsoft Excel & our downloadable book with over 1,200 Microsoft Excel macro examples.
- Product List - View all our add-in Excel products
- Productivity Suite - Our most popular product. You get 89 add-ins to help you in Excel, including our downloadable books on how to write macros. We sell it as a collection to provide you with well over 90% savings off of the individual prices.
- Ways to Save - We offer multi user packs and for several of our products and volume discounts starting at 2 licenses.