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Time Saving Collection
Time saving add-ins for Microsoft Excel

Download an evaluation copy of all the Time Saving Collection add-ins

The Time Saving Collection is designed to save time every time you use Excel!  Start saving time now!

The Time Saving Collection includes over half of our 89 add-ins:

All of the add-ins in the Time Saving Collection are easily opened from the following ribbon tabs.  To see a detailed description of an add-in, just mouse over and click on the add-in's name in the following images:


And, the Spreadsheet Assistant, which is part of the Time Saving Collection, has its own custom ribbon tab.  Each of the buttons are a set of dropdowns with many menu items. To see detail on any button, just click on it::

The following are the add-ins in the Time Saving Collection - it includes out downloadable books on macros: (or mouse over the images above and click on any of the add-ins that become highlighted to see a detailed description)

We sell as a collection to provide you with over 75% savings off of the individual prices. If you purchase the Time Saving Collection and we add new add-ins to it or new versions of existing add-ins, you may download the latest collection for free for one year from your purchase date and get the new add-ins.  The add-ins never expire.



  • Macros Made Easy - A downloadable book (Windows help file format) on how to write macros for Microsoft Excel
  • Macro Examples - Get over 1200 macro examples for Microsoft Excel in a downloadable book (Windows help file format). These examples are new and not a repeat of the ones in Macros Made Easy..



To make learning and using the Time Saving Collection's add-ins easy, all come with exercise files with step by step instructions to provide hands on practice in using their features. The exercise files and help files are easily accessed from the opening dialogs. And, all of the add-ins are menu driven for ease of use.

The add-ins in our collections do not expire or require renewal after a year; they continue to work for years and years with just the one time purchase.  Only the download link expires. 

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  US $89.95

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