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Add-in Collections for Microsoft Excel

Our add-in collections are designed to save you money by bundling many add-ins into one purchase.  And then giving you discounts from 75% to over 90% to help made the purchase a super sweet deal!

Our most popular collection is the Productivity Suite, which contains all of our add-ins and our downloadable books on macros for Microsoft Excel. You save over 90%! You can purchase all of our add-ins individually or you can purchase the Productivity Suite at a great savings.  You get 89 add-ins to help you in Microsoft Excel. 

We also offer the following smaller collections focused on specific needs:

Business Analysis Collection      Generate key business graphs, do data analysis, manage priorities, and save time with these add-ins
Charting Collection   All of our charting add-ins - Create waterfall charts, mekko charts, sensitivity charts, and much more.
Data Collection   All of our data add-ins - find duplicates, extract data, view data, update prices, lookup data, ....
Macro Book Collection   Both of our downloadable macro books
Risk Analysis Collection   Do monte carlo simulation, create sensitivity charts, analyze data and priorities with these add-ins
Time Saving Collection   Get the Spreadsheet Assistant and many more time saving add-ins to help you get your work in Excel done faster and easier.

All of our add-ins work in 32 and 64 bit versions of Excel 2010-2021 and Office 365.

Any new add-ins we add to the collection you purchase in the year following your purchase are free!  Just log back in with your download information to get the new add-ins.




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