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Money back
guarantee Affiliate Program Frequently Asked Questions

Not an affiliate?  Sign up now!  Earn 20% on all your sales. Its easy! Automatic approval!

How much will I earn?

We can't predict how much you will earn. The more people you share links with, the more likely someone will buy and the more you will earn.  You can post links on your web site, your Facebook page, on forums in response to questions (no forum spamming allowed), and many other locations.

If I sign up as an affiliate will I earn money on my own purchase?

Yes, you earn commissions on what you purchase.  Your own purchase and any sales earns a commission of 20%. 

How much do I have to sell to get paid?

Our minimum payout is $50, which means you need to sell $250 of software to get a payout.  You will also need to first provide us with a W-9 form if you are in the US or a W-8BEN form if outside of the US.  When you sign up to be an affiliate, we email you links to these forms.  Payments are monthly.

How do I get links?

At the end of the sign-up, you are taken to a login page.  Once you login you will immediately see links you can use. And, you can easily create links to any product on our site.

What do I do if I don't have a site?

Send emails to your friends about our products.  Post links on your Facebook page.  Post articles on forums or in response to questions.  Create a web page on Excel!  If you have an opt-in mailing list, mention our products in it.

How do I see what sales I have made?

Simply login.  On the first tab, named Links, are both links and a summary of your sales. You can also go to the Dashboard tab to see more detail or download your sales data.

Do I have to pay taxes on my commissions?

All commissions we pay you are considered miscellaneous or earned income if you are in the US. We send 1099 forms to all US affiliates who have earned $600 or more.  If you are outside of the US, then you need to do income reporting per your government's regulations.  We do not send a 1099 form to non-US affiliates.

Can I buy mailing lists and sent out emails?

NO.  This is considered spamming and no commissions will be paid and you will be dropped from our program.  Purchased mailing lists are not opt-in lists.

Sign up takes just a minute.  Sign up now and earn 20% on all your sales!

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