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Customer Feedback

These are just a few of our many customer testimonials we have received on our add-ins: 

  • Brian Kelly wrote: I previously bought the Productivity Suite while at my previous employer. I am now lost without it. Would it be possible to get the discount for purchasing it at my new employer? I promise to continue to spread the gospel of the spreadsheet assistant - my last company bought 20 licenses after they saw the light

    We provided Brian a 50% discount as a returning customer. He wrote back:

    "Thanks Bob. It's a great product and anyone in the accounting world who isn't using it must like to stay at work longer than they have to. If I can ever do anything for you please let me know. "

  • Cindy Gibson wrote after purchasing the Macro Book Collection for Microsoft Excel:  "I am enjoying the macro guide and spent most of my morning with it.  I have always been afraid of VBA but this is making so much more sense to me now that I have been going through your exercises!"

  • Van Epstein wrote regarding the Productivity Suite and the Spreadsheet Assistant (part of the collection)  " I purchased the analysis suite. Incredible product!!! The spreadsheet assistant is unbelievable! I customized my toolbars to make things easier and faster. I thought I was pretty savvy. You changed my opinion. Thanks so much for providing some incredible additions to the menus and new tool bars. My production has greatly increased since installing your product. I downloaded ALL the add-ins although I may not use some of them. I could have used the chart tools in a college course earlier in the year. Also your visual basic / macro help files are excellent. I am a novice at this but you have given me the confidence to write some basic macros instead of recording them. Everyone who is an excel user should install your add-ins even if they are not an advanced user."

  • Henry Brown wrote regarding Macros Made Easy: "I have never been more pleased with a product in my life. You have outlined the material in a way that everyone can understand; it is as if you were there with me explaining each subject to me. I applaud you a job well done also when I needed help and called the number you were there to answer the phone and resolve my issue. I didn't want to send an impersonal e-mail I wanted to talk to you. If I did not say it before let me say it again THANKS...... "

  • Michael Fisher wrote regarding the Duplicate Finder & Deleter:  "It was very good speaking with you this afternoon.  I certainly appreciate your understanding about my system having crashed earlier and appreciate your consideration in posting me a web link for a subsequent download.  I just downloaded the application and will immediately install it. If you would like a testimonial consider this:  Duplicate Finder & Deleter is an essential add-in for anyone working with large data sets especially those assembled by mortals. Thank you again Michael"

  • Kirk Johnson wrote us regarding the Spreadsheet Assistant:  "I want to say that you have let me know just how underpowered the world's leading spreadsheet really is without your add-ins!! You have done a terrific job with this and I want to say that you deserve every bit of the 40 for it!   I paid for the entire suite which is a good bargain as well!! Microsoft really ought to work with you to have this as a normal feature of their program."
  • Anji Taylor wrote regarding the Duplicate Finder & Deleter: "Yesterday I purchased your de-dupe product, and wanted to let you know that it worked brilliantly to save me a ton of time on a deadline. You might be interested to know that I had originally downloaded the DigiDB dedupe product for evaluation - but could never get the trial to work properly nor could I get anyone at the company to address my tech support issues. I didn't buy, as I couldn't figure out if the product would work for my needs. I turned to your product, which was easy to download, install and use. Thank you.

  • Tiffeny Miloshevsky wrote the following regarding the Productivity Suite:  "This collection is remarkable; I can’t tell you how happy I am that I bought it. It is helping me out tremendously with our budgeting and so forth!! I actually look forward to working now!!!  Thanks again!"

  • Stephen Druley wrote  "I recently purchased Macros Made Easy and Macros Examples. I can't tell you how please I am at the quality of the product.The value you get form these far exceeds the asking price. Very professionally done and my compliments for a job well done."

  • Mark Babb who purchased the Lookup Assistant and Cell Color Assistant wrote: "Your products are WONDERFUL! I have used Excel since it was Lotus and Quattro <wink> and you have really made it easy to use the built-in functions with your clever front-ends. Thanks a ton!"

  • Laura Gibbons wrote  "I must say I work primarily in SQL but naturally all analysis of my job is done in Excel. I am also a MOUS certified by Microsoft while Expedia was still part of the Microsoft Corporation. So I consider myself an expert at Excel.  Having said that your add-ins are some of the best on the market (though I am sure you already know this) but again I highly respect the thought put into making Excel a more efficient business tool"

  • Dawn Korotko wrote "Thank you.  I must say yesterday I tried out the Visual Basic package and was so impressed that I ordered the suite. It's only been 2 days but I've already been able to improve my reporting and reduce the amount of time it takes to complete."

  • Jim Howe wrote  "I am overdue in complimenting you on your Productivity Package that includes the Spreadsheet Assistant and Visual Basic Macros Made Easy.  It is an amazing accomplishment.  If I don't learn Visual Basic now I am hopeless.  Your explanations are so thorough and your code so loaded with helpful comments.  I have been using the macro recorder for a while now but with your inspiration am starting to write a few little bits of my own.  I really love the options you give at the bottom of the Spreadsheet Assistant dialog  box ("Run Cmd" Assign to Button Help ).  I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that my favorite utilities are the 5% zoom buttons but I have always appreciated things that are both simple and useful.  They should be standard buttons for all applications.  I didn't want to start out by saying what a bargain this package is because it kind of carries an unspoken "good for the price" evaluation.  However I have to say that your Productivity Suite is truly an amazing bargain.  Congratulations."
  • Barry Haigh wrote  "I use the Spreadsheet Assistant every day and it performs flawlessly each time; do not know what I did without it."

  • Andy Milcoy a long time user who upgraded to the latest release of the Spreadsheet Assistant wrote  "I continue to use your tremendous software on a regular basis and have lost track of how much time even the most basic of features have saved me.  More than the cost of the software several times over.  I have recently upgraded to Office 97 and NT4 and am glad that the software still runs as efficiently under the new environment as it ever did.  Thanks for the upgrade .. wow .. still so good."

  • Robert Hammond wrote  "Spoke with the Controller this morning. She is going to clear the Spreadsheet Assistant with our network guy (more courtesy than true veto) and had me demo the Assistant & Report Runner to two of our more computer literate accountants. It was great fun watching their eyes getting bigger & bigger. And then they read the list of macros in The Assistant. They are both sold. ..... Again thanks for a product that actually makes me hate Excel & Bill Gates a little less."

  • Trevor Smithers wrote  "Just a short note to thank you for the excellent software recently purchased from you: Spreadsheet Assistant, Report Runner Data Loader & VB Macros. They really do make life a lot easier."

  • Barbara Blackwell wrote  "The Spreadsheet Assistant and the Report Runner have paid for themselves time and time again.  I do a lot of database work and your shortcuts have made Excel infinitely more useful to me. Microsoft's upgrade to Excel 97 was almost depressing when I thought I was going to lose this invaluable tool - I am extraordinarily pleased that your program follows the upgrade. My advice to everyone who uses Excel - buy the Spreadsheet Assistant! Great value saves time frustration and worth every dime.

View a partial list of our customers.

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