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Picture too large and will be truncated

In April 2014 the message "the picture is too large and will be truncated" appeared when we copyied rows in Microsoft Excel.  It didn't appear if the selection was small, such as a range of cells. What was really strange is that we did not have any pictures in our worksheet. In fact, this message would appear no matter what we did.  We were running Excel 2010 on this machine.

We had not installed any new software for weeks.  We had recenly opened a workbook from another person.  So we called him up and talked. He told us his copy of Excel had been behaving strangely, but with a different problem.  That is the only unusual event we could recall prior to the message appearing.  However, we have opened workbooks from others with no problem.  And the workbook had no macros.

The following are the steps we tried to solve the picture is too large and will be truncated problem:

  • Rebooted
  • Repaired Office
  • Restored the registry to a prior time period
  • Changed Team Viewer clipboard settings
  • Removed Team Viewer.
  • Turned off the Office clipboard organizer
  • Cleared the Windows temp folder, and then all temp folders for all programs
  • Un-installed Office and re-installed
  • Ran Mr Fix-It, a Microsoft product to fix unusual problems in Excel
  • Re-un-installed Excel, ran the Microsoft complete un-install and re-installed
  • Did the above un-install again and then manually searched and removed all traces of Office left in the registry and re-installed
  • Searched the Internet for hours for other solutions and tried all we could find

The net result of the above:  "The picture is too large and will be truncated" continued to appear

Our solution:  We backed up our Documents folder and re-imaged our drive from an image prior to the message appearing. Then updated the Documents folder.  This solved.

What can you do if you do not have a backup image?  We hate to say it, but you most likely will need to backup everything, re-format your hard drive and re-install all the software.

If you are not doing routine images of your hard drive, we strongly recommend it.  What we do:

  • We use Macrium Reflect Standard from
  • We run an image backup weekly to a second internal hard drive
  • We run a second weekly backup a few days later to an external drive. 
    • Sometimes this is to a portable hard drive that never stays in the building except for the backup.
    • Sometimes it is to an external drive that never stays connected to the PC.

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