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Time Consuming Problems and Solutions

Problem   Solution
I work with so many workbooks and spreadsheets that I need a way to organize them for easier access.   Use the Directory Lister to easily create worksheets that contain listings of your key directories and then rename, open, or delete files from the directory with the click of a button.
My workbooks usually accumulate many worksheets and I waste way too much time tediously navigating between the sheets.   The Sheet Navigator provides a dialog box of all the sheets in your workbook.  This allows you to quickly navigate between sheets with the simple click of a button!
The worksheets I work with usually contain immense amounts of data that involve tedious scrolling between hundreds or even thousands of rows. It takes three or four attempts to actually highlight the range of data I need to use.   The Spreadsheet Assistant allows you to select any size range without moving the screen. This feature is only one of many time saving features it contains!
I often need reminders about the data in my worksheets so I often take notes by hand or make new columns for my notes in Excel.   The Spreadsheet Assistant allows you to insert sticky notes anywhere in your worksheets for quick reminders and comes with the option to print them. This is only one of many time saving features that are included with the Spreadsheet Assistant.
I usually have several workbooks open at once and I waste time saving and closing them all individually.   The Spreadsheet Assistant has simple Save or Close Multiple Files features that allow you to complete this task by simply clicking one of these buttons.
I need to type paragraphs of text into Excel but it takes too much time to try to fit all of my sentences within the appropriate width of my columns.   The Spreadsheet Assistant contains a paragraph fixer feature that allows you to use Excel like a real word processor. With this tool, manually arrange your paragraphs within the widths of your columns will never be necessary again!
I need grid lines on some worksheets, but not all of them, and I find myself constantly changing the Excel grid line settings.  It takes me a half dozen clicks to do this!  Is there a faster way?   The Toggle Grid lines On or Off feature of the Spreadsheet Assistant allows you to do just that with the quick click of a easy to find menu item we added!
I have several workbooks that I need to access on a daily or weekly basis.  But they are located in different folders so I am constantly spending time navigating to them.
  Use the Spreadsheet Assistant, which allows you to bookmark your most frequently used files so you can quickly and easily open them from a list. This is just one of the many time saving features the Spreadsheet Assistant offers!

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