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Macro Problems and Solutions

Problem   Solution
I have purchased several macro books that are of no help; I need to learn how macros really work, how to use them, and how to write them for Microsoft Excel.   Almost all books on macros today are written by a team of authors.  Which means that each chapter is poorly connected to the next chapter, and the writing style varies.  Our book Macros Made Easy was written by a user for users.  It focuses on what real users need to know.  Our book Macro Examples contains over twelve hundred examples for both beginners and experts. Sample macro examples
I have browsed several macro books but can't seem to find examples of exactly what I want to do.
We have an immense amount of real world examples for writing macros that users actually use. Both of our books on macros includes a search feature that allows you to quickly look up an example of the kind of macro you wish to create.
I would like write a macro, but I don't think I have the time to write one.
While it will take more time to write your first macro than to do it manually, in the long-run you will be amazed at the time you save. The next macro will be easier to write.  And the next even easier.  Soon, you will be writing macros versus doing tedious tasks manually.  To help you write macros for the first time, or for general help with macros in general, try our Macros Made Easy book.
I don't know how to select a range of data by using a macro.  Do your books show how to do this?
Our Macros Made Easy book contains two chapters on how to select ranges, while most other macro books have only small section of a chapter devoted to the same subject.  There are also many examples of working with ranges in our Macro Examples book.
I have to check and modify a bunch of cells using a macro, and I am unsure of how to do so.
OurMacro Examples contains several examples of how to rotate through all the cells in a selection and modify them.

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