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QAT Buttons Disappearing

One of our users added buttons from our add-ins to Excel's Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). When he closed and re-opened Microsoft Excel, the buttons disappeared.  This obviously is not normal behavior.  The user re-installed our add-ins but the buttons continued to disappear whenever he closed and re-opened Excel.

The user had one COM add-in installed: Webex Productivity Tools.  We had him remove it and close and re-open Excel.  When he then added buttons they stayed.

This is a classic example of the problems that COM add-ins can cause.  They interfere with Excel's memory and cause strange things to happen. This was an obvious interference. However, interference you don't see can happen, such as formulas not calculating or charts not appearing correctly, creating significant errors in your work.  Our add-ins are VBA add-ins and do not cause such memory problems. 

The optimum number of COM add-ins to have installed is ZERO.  The above user had just one installed and had problems.  Our advise: Avoid COM add-ins like the plague.

To check to see if you have any COM add-ins, install our free Add-in Information Lister.  Once installed, you will find it on the new Specialty Tab.  Then just select the Manage COM option and click ok:

A small dialog will appear titled "COM add-ins".  The installed ones have a check box besides them.  Unless you absolutely need a COM add-in, uncheck all you see. Adobe and BlueTooth are always sneaking into Excel and they frequently cause memory problems. They should be the first to go along with Webex Productivity Tools.

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