Lookup Assistant Improvements
The latest release of the Lookup Assistant is 6.3. It is Excel 2010-2021 and Office 365 compatible
Latest improvements:
- Fixed a problem with Excel incorrectly selected all cells in rare situations. Caused by a Excel bug.
- Fixed a Windows 10 bug that caused dialog to appear incorrectly and difficult to read or use.
- Product review and improvements
- Fixed an Excel bug with dialogs not always
appearing in the center of the Excel window if the user has two or more
- Modified to copy formats of matching cells
- Modified to fix a problem displaying dialogs in some non-English versions of Excel
- Modified the fast lookup approach and fixed a problem on the
fast lookup where in some cases it could not be used due to data and ID
- Added a fast lookup option to make lookups faster
- Modified
the formulas added to do lookups to return a blank instead of a zero if
a looked up cell is empty. A zero is Excel's default, but not
what one really wants.
- Added a completion message on one option that did not have such.
- Fixed for a problem with $ signs in sheet names. Improved screen updating while running.
- Minor installation improvements