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Report Runner Improvements

The latest release of the Report Runner is release 8.3.  It is Excel 2010-2021 and Office 365 compatible. 

Latest improvements:

  • Modified to work better with OneDrive and Cloud locations in the Cloud that save files with a http path or "\.." path
    Fixed a Windows 10 bug that caused dialog to appear incorrectly and difficult to read or use.
    • Product review and improvements
  • Fixed how output to an Excel file is written so that use of currency format does not change the value of a cell to the formatted value
  • Fixed a problem with a list box not displaying as a result of the June 24 fix - a positioning line of code changed the position of the list box instead of the dialog.
  • Fixed an Excel bug with dialogs not always appearing in the center of the Excel window if the user has two or more monitors.
  • Minor installation improvements
  • Modified the main menu to be easier to use.
  • Modified to allow multiple copies to be printed, to turn off collation, and to allow use of start and end pages so only a set of the pages in a print area can be printed.
  • Modified to eliminate need to have shared worksheets unprotected if rows and columns do not need to be unhidden or hidden as part of a report's setup

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