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Risk Analyzer Improvements

The latest release of the Risk Analyzer is release 14.21.  It is Excel 2010-2021 and Office 365 compatible. 

Latest improvements:

  • Fixed a error message that Excel would display when closing a dialog.  The cause appeared to be minor bug in Excel. And it only affected a dialog that appeared to help users go to newly created worksheets.
  • Fixed a Windows 10 bug that caused dialog to appear incorrectly and difficult to read or use.
  • Product review and improvements
  • Modified to handle a Microsoft error when range names referring to entire rows or columns are present in a workbook.
  • Fixed fishbone/tornado charts to display connecting lines in Excel 16/Office 365 after a Microsoft change to Excel
  • Fixed a problem where some dialogs would not center if one had multiple monitors.
  • Added an option to the probability report graphs to exclude the study values from the graphs. Also added Y axis titles to the graph and an explanation of the two different titles
  • Expanded the size of the charts on the probability distribution report to be full page wide.  This leaves room for explanations below the chart and makes each their own page if printed.
  • Further improved the discrete function error message if user does not fill in the dialog correctly.
  • Fixed an Excel bug with dialogs not always appearing in the center of the Excel window if the user has two or more monitors.
  • JImproved the discrete function error message if user does not fill in the dialog correctly.
  • Fixed a problem with extremely large number of simulations causing an overflow error.
  • Modified to fix a problem displaying dialogs in some non-English versions of Excel
  • Modified the number of simulations dialog to fix a problem in the OK button not being active in some situations
  • Fixed an issue when a risk premises workbook created in one local currency is updated by a user with a different local currency
  • Minor menu changes
  • Modified so that distribution parameters are not updated if one runs reports; parameters are only updated if one uses the menu system to specify a distribution.  This allows one to set up tables to specify distributions for different cases.
  • Modified so that 10/90 and expected values updated if user modifies probability premises manually and does not review the results via the menus before running the probability or sensitivity reports.
  • Modified so that input range names that have not had distributions assigned are not required to have distributions before running reports or simulations

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