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Waterfall Chart Creator Improvements

The latest release of the Waterfall Chart Creator is 8.4.  It is Excel 2010-2021 and Office 365 compatible. 

Latest improvements:

  • Fixed a Windows 10 bug that caused dialog to appear incorrectly and difficult to read or use.
  • Product review and improvements
  • Modified to eliminate an error message that happens to some users after all work is done.  Caused most likely by Excel 365
  • Fixed a bug where Excel kept the option to hide un-needed columns from working with value labels. Excel instead of hiding the labels, shifted the labels.
  • Added the option to hide columns if they are not needed.  This allows one to use one chart with unused columns hidden. Then, instead of having to recreate the chart to add new columns, one just hides those columns until needed.
  • Fixed a problem with value labels not positioning at the top of bars
  • Added a nudge feature to value labels to refine the position of value labels
  • Added instructions on how to quickly and easily re-position text labels after an update.
  • Fixed an Excel bug with dialogs not always appearing in the center of the Excel window if the user has two or more monitors.
  • Modified to fix a problem displaying dialogs in some non-English versions of Excel
  • Fix a problem in some non-English versions with decimal values not being correctly recognized
  • Minor code modifications and help file modifications
  • Fixed problems with French and German versions of Excel

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