Spreadsheet Assistant The following is the Select Assistants menu that appears when you click on the Select Assistants button. Any of the features can be added to Excel's quick access toolbar for instance use any time. The first four features on th Select Assistants menu allows you to select down or to the right withoutthe screen moving! You can add these buttons individually to Excel's quick access toolbar (by right clicking on the buttons), or, if you are space limited on your QAT, you can add the Select Cells QAT menu, which expands into the following submenu: These features do selects without the screen moving! We like to add the select right and select down buttons to the quick access toolbar so we can use instantly, no matter what Excel tab we are on. The last three select assistants - Set the target column/row, Select to the Target Column, and Select to the Target Column have proven very useful when we are doing intense editing and must do many selections to specific rows and columns. Click on the following buttons to see the detail on other button features
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