Spreadsheet Assistant The following is the Sheet Assistants menu that appears when you click on the Sheet Assistants button. Any of the features can be added to Excel's quick access toolbar for instance use any time. Image if you had to add 30 sheets and they all needed names that you had entered into cells in a worksheet. About 5 minutes later, your done. With the Insert Sheets Based on Cell Entries, all you do is select the cells and run this feature. And enjoy the next 4 minutes and 55 seconds doing what you want! If you have many sheets, it is often nice to have an index of the sheets. Even better is an index that are hyperlinks to the sheets. And even better than that is a link on each sheet back to the index sheet! Guess what! The Index / List / Hyperlink Selected Sheets does that. And, if you want all sheets done, you don't need to select the first - it volunteers to do all of them for you. If you need to re-arrange sheets you know how painful that is. With the Sort or Re-Arrange Sheets, a dialog pops up that lets you decide on the order you want and then it arranges the sheets for you. Click on the following buttons to see the detail on other button features
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