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Waterfall Chart Examples

The following are examples of different waterfall charts we have created using the Waterfall Chart Creator.  The long bars at the start and end of the charts are total columns.  In the charts below, they are colored dark blue. But you may color any color you wish.  The Waterfall Chart Creator allows you many waterfall customizations from its easy to use menus.  For more information on how waterfall charts are created and what they are use for, see our about waterfall chart page. All of the charts below were created using the Waterfall Chart Creator.

The following is a simple waterfall chart, using default column colors:

An example of a simple waterfall chart

The following is the same waterfall chart but the increases and decreases have been colored differently and values have been put on the columns and change explanations:

waterfall chart with values

The following waterfall chart example uses enhanced coloring on all values.  Also, the increase and decreasing values cross over the zero value axis in two cases

waterfall chart crossing zero axis

The Waterfall Chart Creator allows you to create waterfall charts with multiple total columns and multiple subtotal columns.  The total columns on the waterfall chart are the dark blue columns. The subtotal column is the light blue column. In this example, the values for positive change have been put on top of their columns. The values for negative change has been put on the bottom of their columns.

waterfall chart with many total columns

You can even create waterfall charts without total columns.  The following illustrates a waterfall chart with no total at the beginning, but one at the end:

waterfall chart with one total column


You can create all the above and more with the Waterfall Chart Creator. If you want to try it before purchasing, download a trial version now!


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