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What is a Microsoft Excel Add-in

    Our most popular Microsoft
    Excel add-ins:

     If the Excel add-in you want is not in the above list, then use the search box at the top right to find it among our 78 Excel add-ins.   Or browse our complete list of all our Excel add-ins.

Need more help?  We're here 7 days a week. Call us at US 302-584-1771 or e-mail us and let us know what you need.  Odds are we have a Microsoft Excel add-in that will do what you want or we may create it!

What is an Add-in?  An add-in is software that adds new features into Microsoft Excel.
Add-ins save you time.  Using an add-in helps to avoid errors and do repetitious work in minutes that could take hours manually.  The Spreadsheet Assistant adds over 200 time saving features to Microsoft Excel.

We have created 78 Microsoft Excel add-ins to do many tasks related to data, accounting, business analysis, charting, and specialty needs. All are menu driven for ease of use and all have help and exercise files to make learning to use easy.  And, we have two downloadable books on how to write your own Excel macros.

The following are the top reasons why customers said they purchased our Excel add-ins:

  • Save time in Microsoft Excel
  • Do things they can't do without our
  • Create special charts like waterfall, Mekko, and histogram charts
  • Microsoft Excel help recommendations
  • Found at the Microsoft web site
  • Co-worker/Friend/colleague who uses
    our add-ins
  • Previous/returning/long time customer

Quick answers to questions you may have on our Microsoft Excel add-in products:

  • All of our add-ins work in all releases of Microsoft Excel:  2003 through 2021, including Excel for Office 365,
    32 bit and 64 bit versions.
  • Our add-ins work in all releases of Windows, including XP, Vista, and
    Windows 7 through Windows 11, both 32 and 64 bit versions where available.
  • No, they do not work on the Mac!
  • You will be able to download immediately - we send you an email with download instructions within minutes.
  • We offer a money back guarantee to insure your satisfaction
  • Our add-ins do not expire - just purchase once and use year after year
  • Free upgrades - we are always making improvements.
  • Our add-ins are menu driven for ease to use. 
  • All of our add-ins have individual exercise files with easy to follow step by step instructions and practice examples.
  • If you need help, we are here:  7 day a week live support 8AM to 10PM U.S. East Coast time.

The fastest way to find an add-in is to just search for it by key word:

You can also browse for an add-ins by any of the following add-in categories:


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