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Word Shifter
An add-in product for Microsoft Excel

  • Shift words from one cell to another
          with a single click
  • Eliminate tedious editing
  • Modify many cells at one time:
          Just select a range of cells and
          click the shift left or right button

Download a trial version now!


Screen shots:

The Word Shifter add-in for Microsoft Excel lets you shift words from one cell to another with just one click.  When you click on the Word Shifter button, a floating dialog appears:

To use, you just select the cells (hundreds of cells can be done at one time!) containing the words to shift and click on either the shift right or shift left button. No more manually editing cells one by one to shift words!

When cells are shifted, you can join the new words to the destination cells using a space, a comma or any text you insert in the text box. Thus you can use the separator text you need with a simple click.

The following illustrates the result of using the Word Shifter to fix the following data:

Before:     After:

The shift of the words was done in just a few seconds for hundreds of rows of data.

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  US $19.95

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